Saturday, March 15, 2008

Wedding Expo

I am currently at Rosedale mall at my booth for a wedding expo. I got lucky and I am right in front of the Apple store so I have free internet access. I was able to get two papers done for school and get my blog up and running! Here are some images of my booth!


Amy Rae Photography said...


Mike Richards Photography said...

Wow Amy, glad to see the blog! Hope to hear from you soon!

Unknown said...

I really like the new logo! Melissa is actually the person who designed mine. Can't wait to see photos from your next wedding!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you had a blog?!?! Woo HOO! Congrats! I hope everything is going well for you - call me if you want more info about studio rental and/or what my plan is! You would be a great fit!


Mike Richards Photography said...

Word up sista!

Just writing to let you know that I am switching back to Canon. :)

Donadio Photography said...

your booth and blog both look great!